
Showing posts from April, 2019
The New Deal Era  When the Great Depression hit, everyone in America was suffering. President Franklin D. Roosevelt saw this suffering and passed the New Deal Program. At first the New Deal seemed promising to the black community because of the promises President Franklin D. Roosevelt made, but as the black community soon found out some of the promises were soon broken. However during this time FDR’s administration addressed racism as a national problem, and many people of the black community felt a slight change in the war of equality. Still, FDR’s stand on civil rights was mediocre at best. The New Deal was supposed to promote civil rights, but instead FDR’s administration had to make some “sacrifices” in order to gain the support of the white community. FDR constantly turned his face away from racial injustice to not upset the southern white community. This ultimately effected the black community in a bad way. Sadly, most of the New Deal programs discriminated